

Am nevoie de o compunere in engleza in care trebuie sa descriu geografia unei insule plutitoare care sta pe o broasca țestoasă, iar aceasta insula este inconjurata de o apa curgatoare. De o pagina

P.S: dau coroana

Răspuns :

...The most amazing encounter of all ,in our expedition to the Amazon,was that of a giant tortoise which was lazily swimming through the waters.But that was no ordinary tortoise as you may think.It wasn't just huge,it also carried on its shell a whole landscape so to speak.It's hard to believe but it was just like an island. On its topmost there was a spring that flowed in three directions and watered the whole island which was covered by a lush forest. The shore was just like a golden ring surrounding the island and giving it a majestic touch.But all that wouldn't be complete without its "inhabitants".Hundreds of colourful birds took shelter in its trees,and from the far,it all look like a giant cap set in jewels.I hope that nobody will ever dare distroy this unique environment.