
descrieti o situatie in care a-ți invatat o experienta valoroasa. va rog ajutati-ma

Răspuns :

In cartierul nostru este un copil care nu are papuci de firma, telefon de ultima moda sau o frizura interesanta. Era foarte retras si ciudat. Mai toti copii radeau de el, pana cand am aflat cu totii ca e orfan si matusa lui munceste din greu sa-i poata oferi tot ce e mai bun, de atunci ne-am imprietenit si ne-am dat seama ca imaginea exterioara nu conteaza.

In our neighbourhood there is a kid who doesn't have latest fashion shoes, a good phone or an interesting haircut. He was very drawn and weird. Almost all kids were laughing at him, untill we all found out that he is orphan and his aunt works hard to give him the best she can, since then we became friends and we realised that the exterior image doesn't matter.