
Va rog traducerea corecta in engleza

Copiii din Canada, ca și cei din România, cred în existența lui Moș Crăciun (Santa Claus). Canadienii susțin cu mândrie că țara lor găzduiește casa lui Santa Claus, adresa lui pe toate plicurile cu scrisori adresate de către copii Moșului, fiind: „SANTA CLAUS North Pole HO HO HO Canada”.

Prietenii organizează “cookie-baking parties”. O familie își pune bucătăria la dispoziție, fiecare aduce o rețetă de fursecuri specifice Crăciunului, acestea se pregătesc, se coc (în colectiv) și sunt apoi oferite membrilor celorlalte familii. La sfârșitul petrecerii, fiecare pleacă acasă cu diverse fursecuri pentru a se bucura de ele pe parcursul sărbătorii de Crăciun.

În ziua de Crăciun, majoritatea canadienilor mănâncă tradiționalul curcan sau șuncă de porc. În zonele maritime, se mănâncă însă homar sau scoici pescuite pe malurile Atlanticului de Nord..

Răspuns :

Children from Canada, like those from Romania, believe in the Santa Claus. The Canadians proudly claim that their country houses the house of Santa Claus, his address on all envelopes with letters from Santa's children, being: "SANTA CLAUS North Pole HO HO HO Canada".

Friends organize "cookie-baking parties". A family has their own kitchen, each one brings a recipe of Christmas cookies, they are preparing, baking (collectively) and then offered to other family members. At the end of the party, everyone goes home with various cookies to enjoy them during the Christmas holiday.

On Christmas Day, most Canadians eat traditional turkey or pork ham. In seaside areas, however, lobster or shellfish are eaten on the North Atlantic coast.

Kids from Canada, like kids from Romania, believe in existence of Santa Claus. Canadians supports with pride that their country is hosting Santa's Claus house, the addres from all envelopes with letters addressed by kids to Santa, be: ,,Santa Claus North Pole HO HO HO Canada".

Friends organize ''cookie-baking parties". A family is putting his kitchen at everybody service, everyone brings with him a cookie recipe specific Christmas, these are prepare, are backing(in colectiv) and later gave to the other families. At the end of the party, everybody go home with cookies to be happy of them at Christmas.

In the Chrsitmas day, most of them eat the traditional turkey or pork ham. In the ocean zone, is eating homar or shells fished on the edges of Northern Antlantic.