
Scrieti un eseu va rog frumos cu tema avantajele si dezavantajele concurentei pentru consumatori un eseu pe tema avantajele si dezavantajele concurentei pentru consumatori

Răspuns :

Every morning is like a new beginning of the story. a story in which the leaves fall like soldiers who have fought a hard fight. So they leave the trees as dwellings and, scattered by the breeze that winds, it easily forms a carpet of various colors. In the early hours of the morning no one moved to Iasi, still asleep. Soon, people are awakening, who earlier, who later on to start their activity, and so, the eternal agitation and agglomeration of the city is so unassailable.

The melancholic sun rises sharply from the old town's blocks, looking at the tomato landscape, and with it, Iasi is attacked by an army of small and large children heading for kindergartens and schools.

Everyone knows their everyday routine. Although nature changes in the four seasons, people and places remain almost unchanged