Imi puteti traduce textul Mars? Va rogg am nevoie maine

The young Scientist interview:a scientist from the French Space Agency talks about their special project, the conquest of Mars.
Young Scientist:Man has been sending robots and space stations to mars for some time.What is their purpose?
We don't know much about Mars.Soon, man is going to landon that planet- arround the year 2030. BUt before that happens,we must know much more about it to make exploration safer.Space stations and robots will provide us with that information.YS:Can you tell us a bit more about the equipement used on mars?
At the moment we are building a 'balloon' here in Frane.This ballon is going to float over the surface of Mars.It's going to collect information about the conditions on the planet.I hope that information will allow us to prepare for the landing better