
Dau coroana: In small groups brainstorm a list of appropriate titles to the text:

Dinner was almost ready when
Pa and Mr Boast came back with the bobsled. The enormous jack rabbit was
browning in the oven. Potatoes were boiling and the coffee pot bubbles on the
back of the stove. The house was full of the good smells of roasting meat hot
bread and coffee.
Laura spread the clean white
tablecloth and in the centre of the table she set the glass sugar bowl the
glass jug full of cream and the glass spoon-holder full of silver spoons.
Around the table Carrie laid the knives and forks and filled the water glasses
while Laura set all the plates in a pile at a Pa's place. Then at each place
all around the table she cheerfully put a glass sauce dish holding half a
canned peach in golden syrup. The table was beautiful.
Before PA on the big platterlay the huge roasted rabbit with piles of bread and onion stuffing steaming around it.From a dish on one side stood up a mound of mashed potatoes and on
the other side stood a bowl of rich brown gravy.
There were plates of hot corn bread and of small hot biscuits. There was a dish of cucumber pickles.
Ma poured the strong brown
coffee and tea while Pa heaped each plate with roast rabbit stuffing potatoes
and gravy.

Răspuns :

1. The food is baking! / preparing the delicious food!

2.Arranging the table.

3.Admiring the success.

I hope i help
A special dinner
A delicious roast rabbit
A beautiful table