
vreau 3 propoziti cu can si inca 3 cu can't

Răspuns :

George can play the guitar.

George poate sa cante la chitara.

Tom's friend can play tennis.

Prietenul lui Tom poate sa joace tenis

You can draw a house.

Tu poti desena o casa.

He can't swim in the pool.

El nu poate sa inoate in piscina.

The nurse can't speak spanish.

Asistenta nu poate vorbi spaniola.

The doctor can't drive a bus.

Doctorul nu poate conduce un autobuz.

Vezi ca dupa fiecare propozotie am pus traducere in caz ca nu stii ce inseamna.

i can go to school

I can't play with the cat

I can give you a bicycle

he can't ride a bicycle

we can eat ice cream

she can't come to school