1. The Jules' Undersea Lodge gets its name from Jules Verne, author of the classic novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
2. You can get to Jules' Undersea Lodge by traveling to Key Largo in Florida.
3. Edinburgh's impressive castles, numerous museums and galleries, top class restaurants and fabulous shops make it ideal for tourists.
4. During a ghost walk you can see dark alleys, underground vaults and deserted churchyards. You can also listen to ghost stories, watch the shadows dance and explore the real nature of ghosts.
5. The author's purpose is the origin of the Jules' Undersea Lodge's name. He also created the classic novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
(nu prea am înțeles întrebarea, cere scopul autorului)
6. The Jules' Undersea Lodge is so far the world's only underwater hotel.
Edinburgh has many narrow streets that hold dark secrets from the past and ghost tours are a must!