
Un eseu de 100-150 cuvinte în care sa prezintă un monument/castel.
În limba engleză totul.
Din ce scrieti sa imi scrieti și întrebări dar și răspunsurile.

Răspuns :

I was at school when the teacher told us that tomorrow we will go to a castle. I was that excited that I went directly home to sleep. I always thought that if I will fall asleep sooner ,the day will pass quicker.

The next day I was the first one at the school waiting for everybody. All of my classmates got in a bus. I said in my mind that this is going to be the best experience ever. We arrived there and I quickly got out of the bus. The castle was in front of me. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. It was amazing! The arhitecture was very elegant and the towers were looking just like in the movies. A little man came out of it and starting waving at us telling us to come in. The moment when I stepped in was incredible. I was feeling so great. Everything was so clasic ,the red carpets,the painting on the wall...absolutly everything! Time passed quickly and we had to go back.

I wish I never had to go, but I had to. While we were leaving I turned around to look at it one last time.

Sper sa te ajute :D