
eseu in engleza despre "succesul este determinat de munca grea,iar norocul nu are nici o legatura cu succesul.oferind exemple si motive specifice pentru a va sustine pozitia,sunteti de acord sau nu sunteti de acord cu aceasta idee?

Răspuns :

I think luck is a concept under whose influence we live our whole life. Little by little we learn the notion of luck and let us guide it during our existence, but without having any of us the certainty that luck really exists. From birth, the child likes to be lucky. If his life is flowing smoothly and his destiny does not put his own obstacles in the way, then he thinks he was lucky. But immediately what happens to him less pleasantly, causing him to go through all sorts of troubles and difficult situations, the natural conclusion is that he was not lucky. Luck, like the unlucky, his opposite, is a concept invented by people and not a certainty. It's not even a feeling or a mental state, it's nothing, just a word used to make us, people, a state of well-being, it's a belief that we could be subjected to a well-unseen thing and that keeps us from any harm. No matter how much we want to believe that we are under the sign of luck, we actually make it to ourselves, because it is not for us to order our life.