
buna!!! va rog as vrea traducerea textului "The thirty-nine steps" din cartea snapshot.

About the author and the book
John Buchan ( 1875-1949 ) was one of Britain's finest writers of adventure stories.
So far there have been three fim versions of The Thiry-Nine Steps and several television severies based on the characters.
The Thirty-Nine Steps is about the hunt for a wanter man - the innocent Richard Hannay . In Chapter One Franklin Scudder , a neinghboue of Hannay's , told Hanney a complicater story abouat a group of German anarchists who were plotting to assassinate a European diplomat in London . Hannay let Scudder hide is his flat. Late one evening Hannay returned home and found Scudder lying on the floor , stabbed to death with a knife through his heart.

dar va rog si continuarea!!!

Răspuns :

Despre autor si carte.

John Buchan (1875 - 1949) a fost unul dintre cei mai fini scriitori de aventuri din Marea Britanie.

Pana acum, au fost 3 versiuni ale filmului "The Thiry-Nine Steps" si cateva seriale bazate pe caracterele din el.

"The Thirty-Nine Steps" este despre vanatoarea unui om cautat, inocentul Richard Hannay. In capitolul unu, Franklin Scudder, un vecin al Hannei, i-a spus ei o poveste despre un grup de anarhisti germani care planuiau sa asasineze un diplomat european din Londra.

Hanna l-a lasat pe Scudder sa se ascunda in apartamentul ei. Intr-o seara, Hanna s-a intors acasa si l-a gasit pe Scudder, zacand pe jos, el fiind injunghiat in inima pana la moarte cu un cutit.

Cu placere.