
construiți o poveste cu verbele play, watch, arrive, be, show, agree, Cook, do, go, climb
VA ROG SA RESPECTAȚI ORDINEA VERBELOR IN POVESTE. Folosiți propoziții cât mai ușoare (ca pt. clasa a6).

Răspuns :

I always PLAY with my dog in the garden. In weekend, I like to WATCH TV and spend time with my family, especially with my mom.
In the week, I ARRIVE from school at 4 o'clock and I AM very happy because of it. My mom SHOWS and helps me at my homework. I AGREE this !! After, we finish the homework, we COOK some fried potatoes or a fresh salad.
After this, we DO shopping at mall and buy some cute clothes.
In the end of the day, I GO early to bed and I dream that I CLIMB on a beautiful and high mountain with my dad.