
1.Answer the following question :Do you like photos ?If yes, what do you photograph most often ?
2. Describe a period of time from your studies that has been the most difficult for you so fat
3. Do you think that some people are more productive because of genetics or have they were raised ??

Răspuns :

1. Yes, I often photograph the flowers or the sky.
2. The most difficult period from my studies were the second semester of the school year that just passed. It was difficult because I had a lot to study and my free time wasn’t free anymore.
3. I think that some people are more productive because they were raised like that and they decided that that’s the life they wanna live: a productive one.

1. Da, de obicei fotografiez florile sau cerul.
2. Cea mai grea perioada din timpul studiilor mele a fost al doilea semestru din anul școlar ce tocmai a trecut. A fost greu deoarece am avut foarte mult de învățat, iar timpul meu liber, nu mai era deja liber.
3. Eu cred ca unii oameni sunt mai productivi pentru ca așa ai fost crescuți și au decis ca asta e viața pe care ei vor sa o trăiască: una productiva.

Sper ca te-am ajutat!