1.Where is she from? - De unde este ea?/Din ce tara este ea? Raspuns/Awanser: D)Spain
2.What's he like?-Ce ii place lui? Raspuns:Awanser:b)Dacing I think/Dansul cred.
3.What's he doing? - Ce face el? Raspuns/Awanser:He's very funny - El rade foarte mult/El este foarte amuzat/amuzant.
4.Can you help me please? - Poti sa ma ajuti,te rog? Raspuns/Awanser: c) Sorry,I'm mopping the floor - Scuze,sterg podeaua.
5.What does Ann look like? - Cum arata Ann? Raspuns/Awanser: She's tall and slim . - Ea este inalta si slabuta.