
buna vreau si eu o compunere de foaie A4 in legatura cu descrierea casei mele si ce am in fiecare camere iar in casa mea am 3 dormitoare si toata lumea stie ce ai in dormitor. apoi living baie si bucatarie si casa mea nu are etaj plusss ce fac eu sambataa

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Răspuns :

My home is big and has three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. It's all at ground floor. Each bedroom has a bed, a wardrobe, a lamp and two nightstands. There's carpets on the floor. One bedroom has orange carpet and pink drapes, and a picture of a boat on the wall above the bed. The second bedroom has blue walls and a turquoise carpet, dark blue drapes and has white and blue abstract paintings on the walls. It also has a TV on the opposite side of the bed. The third bedroom has brown furniture and white walls.

The living room has a big couch and a coffee table, a large book stand against the wall, a TV, two armchairs and a soft oval carpet in the middle. In the living room, the predominant color is green.

The kitchen is big and has a sink, an oven, a washing machine, and a table with four chairs.

The bathroom has a nice tub and the shower curtain has a pattern of small yellow circles.

On Saturday I wake up happy to spend time with my family. I go in the kitchen and have breakfast. Then we go for a walk and do some shopping. After that we spend time in the living room watching TV and talking about our week. I help my mom making dinner after I do my homework, and then we eat. At some point I go back to my bedroom and I go to sleep.