
Imi traduceti va rog textul acesta: At sixty-five Hevelise a quite retired doctor is probably the most popular kid on her block. The reason? Her collecting of comics. I started collecting them when I was about seven,over fifty years ago she says. I've collected comics in sixteen languages. The last time I counted them there were 7,234. That was a year ago,so I'm not sure how many I've got now! Some of the most famous comics come from the United States. One of the most popular characters of all times is Superman. He has X-ray vision,he can fly,he's enormously strong and nothing can hurt him - except Kryptonite. He's always been my favourite says Hevelise. And now he's like an old friend. He hasn't changed very much in all that time unlike me!

Răspuns :

La 65 de ani, Hevelise este un doctor destul de pensionat si este probabil cel popular copil din cartierul ei. Motivul? Colectia ei de benzi desenate. Am inceput sa le colectionez cand aveam in jur de sapte ani, acum peste 50 de ani, spune ea. Am colectionat benzi desenate in 16 limbi. Ultima data cand le-am numarat, erau 7234. Asta a fost acum un an, deci nu sunt sigura cat de multe am acum! Unele dintre cele mai faimoase benzi desenate vin din Statele Unite ale Americii. Unul dintre cele mai populare personaje este Superman. El are viziune cu raze X, poate sa zboare, este enorm de puternic si nimic nu il poate rani - in afara de kriptonita. El a fost intotdeauna preferatul meu, spune Hevelise. Si acum el este ca un vechi prieten. Nu s-a schimbat prea mult in tot timpul asta, spre deosebire de mine.