Exercitiul 10

ex 10:
1. afraid of sth
2. amused by/at sth
3. angry with sb
4. annoyed with sb about sth
5. anxious about sth
6. ashamed of sb
7. bored with sth/sb
8. brilliant at sth
9. close to sb
10. delighted with sth
11. disappointed with sth/sb
12. excited about sth
13. faithful to sb
14. friendly with/to sb
15. frightened of sth
16. furious with sb for sth
17. grateful to sb for sth
18. jealous of sth
19. nervous about sth
20. pleased with sb
21. proud of sth
22. rude to sb
23. sensitive to/about sth
24. upset with sth
I am afraid of spiders.
I was very amused by the clowns at the circle.
Tom is angry with me and he is not talking to me.
Mom was very annoyed with me about my behavior.
I am very anxious about my exam results.
I was ashamed of Jane for behaving so badly.
I am bored with this computer game.
John is brilliant at chess.
I was very closed to my grandmother.
Bill was delighted with his birthday present.
I am very disappointed with myself for failing the exam.
Jenny is very excited about the school trip.
Tom has been faithful to his wife 40 years.
Jack is very friendly with the boy next door.
Harry is frightened of snakes.
Ann is furious with Andrew about what he said.
Christian is grateful to Edy for landing him money.
Liss is jealous of Emma because she is more popular than she is.
I am very nervous about taking my driving test.
Chris is pleased with Jack because the teacher says that she is trying hard in class.
She is proud of her new house.
A man on the bus was very rude to me this morning.
Sarah is very sensitive about her looks.
John was very upset about losing the game.