
45 de puncte!!! FITI CREATIVI!!
DE 200 DE CUVINTE.******

Răspuns :

Hy my name is Roko and I'm a very brave parrot! I'm also very smart! I can spell more than one hundred words. Let me tell you my story : one day I was in a jungle and I heard someone shouted loudly. First I was scared because I knew in the jungle there are a lot of wild animals : lions, bears, tigers, crocodiles, snakes; but I followed the voice, slowly, hiding among the trees...a few seconds before I heard again...and again....and again....I thought someone was in danger! I wanted to help, but how? I said to my self go Roko! You're brave, you must do something!

When I arrived at the place where the sound was from, I saw a few baby bears. They were crying because they were hungry and their mother was gone. Near them I saw a giant snake trying to scare them. I took a large branch and I flew towards him to fight him. When he saw me approaching he was so scared that he ran away quickly. I was so happy that I was able to fight the evil and to save their lives. I had the idea to take the branch and it worked! I felt like a hero! I'm their hero!

Traducere :

Buna numele meu este Roko si sunt un papagal foarte curajos! De asemenea, sunt si foarte inteligent! Pot sa rostesc mai mult de o suta de cuvinte. Permiteti-mi sa va spun povestea mea : intr-o zi am fost intr-o jungla si am auzit pe cineva strigand cu voce tare. Mai intai am fost speriat pentru ca stiam ca in jungla traiesc multe animale salbatice: lei, ursi, tigri, crocodili, serpi; dar am urmat vocea, incet, ascunzandu-ma printre copaci ... cu cateva secunde mai devreme am mai auzit din nou ...si din nou .... si din nou ... Simteam ca cineva este in pericol! Vroiam sa ajut, dar cum? Mi-am spus insumi haide Roko! Esti curajos, trebuie sa faci ceva!

Cand am ajuns la locul de unde venea sunetul, am vazut cativa bebelusi de urs. Plangeau pentru ca erau infometati iar mama lor a plecat. Langa ei am vazut un sarpe urias care incerca sa-i sperie. Am luat o ramura (sau creanga) mare si am zburat spre el sa ma lupt cu el. Cand m-a vazut apropiindu-ma de el, era asa de speriat ca a fugit repede. Am fost atat de fericit ca am reusit sa lupt impotriva raului si sa le salvez viata. Am avut ideea de a lua ramura (sau creanga) si a functionat! M-am simtit ca un erou! Eu sunt eroul lor!