
Scrie o compunere de 15 rânduri in Engleza din urmatorul citat al lui Walt Disney :
"That's the trouble with the world, too many people grow up"
(aceasta este problema lumii toți oamenii cresc)

Răspuns :

Walt Disney thought that the trouble with the world that’s growing it’s a big one because you’re not getting younger, but older.Everyone wants to grow up But when you finally get to be older you’re regreting that you wished that .  When you’re old and you were having a lot of trouble you’re thinking that when you were younger you were so free and everything was so easy.Walt Disney always had a child’s minde hideen inside .We should all sometimes act like children’s and do things like children’s even if we have a job and we have trouble figuring out a lot of things. After all we get only one life and we have to live it like we want to. Sper că te-am ajutat!