
Complete the sentences by making comparisons with one of these adjectives or adverbs.Cuvintele :Close ,serious,interesting ,busy ,big ,long ,bad ,easy-going ,well ,frequently .

1. This computer performs the ... of all. It's brilliant
2. I hate having the flu. it's ... than having a cold.
3. Sarah gets on my nerves and her sister is even ...
4. Do you want a big piece of pizza?
yes, Please. The ... the better.
5. I go to the cinema one a month bur I'd like to go ...
6. My Sister's a lot ... about her boyfriend than he is about her.
7. My Father very strict. he's not ... as my mother.
8. Which member of your family are you ... to?
10. The closer you get to town, the ...... the roads get.
11. The ..... part of his talk was about a trip up the Amazon

Răspuns :



Complete the sentences by making comparisons with one of these adjectives or adverbs: close, serious, interesting, busy, big, long, bad, easy-going, well, frequently.

Completați enunțurile prin realizarea de comparații cu ajutorul acestor adjective sau adverbe: aproape, serios, interesant, ocupat, mare, lung, rău, calm, bine, frecvent.

1. This computer performs the best of all. It's brilliant.

2. I hate having a flu. It's more serious than having a cold.

3. Sarah gets on my nerves and her sister is even worse.

4. Do you want a big piece of pizza? Yes, please. The bigger, the better.

5. I go to the cinema once a month but I'd like to go more frequently.

6. My sister's a lot busier about her boyfriend than he is about her.

7. My father is very strict. He's not as easy-going as my mother.

8. Which member of your family are you closer to?

10. The closer you get to town, the longer the roads get.

11. The most interesting part of his talk was about a trip up the Amazon.



  • Pentru adjectivele monosilabice (care se pronunţă printr-o singură silabă - ex. "strong") şi pentru adjectivele disilabice (2 silabe - ex. easy) care au ca terminaţie y, er, ow, le, gradele de comparaţie se formează după cum urmează:
  1. positive (strong / easy)
  2. comparative (stronger than / easier than)
  3. superlative (the strongest / the easiest)

  • Pentru adjectivele plurisilabice, gradele de comparaţie se formează după cum urmează:
  1. positive (difficult)
  2. comparative (more difficult than)
  3. superlative (the most difficult)

  • Pentru adjectivele cu grade de comparaţie neregulate, e util de verificat dicţionarele; iată câteva exemple:
  1. good - better - the best
  2. bad - worse - the worst
  3. little - less - the least