Va rog repede! imi trebuie pana la ora 12 va rog!!!

Name: Numele tau
Date of birth: Data de nastere (a ta)
Occupation: Cu ce te ocupi (poti scrie: student )
Telephone: numarul de telefon
Address: unde stai tu
1. Date of observation: 15.10.2018
2.Time and place of observation: at 23:00, near a hill.
3.How long did you see the object for? 2 hours 25 mins 42 secs.
4. Did the object: F) drop anything?
5.I was on a walk with a friend and suddenly there is a large UFO with many windows and lights. stayed in place for about two hours and then a hatch opened and threw an object. The new was afraid to go see what it is.
6. Did anybody else see the object? Yes. My friend.
Signature: semnatura ta.