
Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare la timpul respectiv :
1. M-ai ascultat cu atentie? Da te-am ascultat .Nu, nu te-am ascultat .
2.Niciodata nu a fost atat de fericita .
3. Ea intodeauna s-a intalnit cu el miercurea.
4. Ea intideauna se intalneste cu el lunea.
5.Ai vizitat Parisul vara trecuta.
6. Unde ai fost? Te astept de o jumatate de ora.
7. Unde ai fost? Te-am cautat la birou si nu te-am gasit.
8.El citea ziarul , cand cineva a batut la usa.
9. In timp ce ploua, el muncea la noul sau proiect.
10. A citit aceasta carte acum doi ani.

Răspuns :

1. Did you listen to me carefully? I heard you. No, I did not listen to you.
2. She was never so happy.
3. She always met with him on Wednesday.
4. She always meets him on Monday.
5. You visited Paris last summer.
6. Where have you been? I've been waiting for you for half an hour.
7. Where have you been? I looked for you at the office and I did not find you.
He was reading the newspaper when someone knocked at the door.
9. While it was raining, he was working on his new project.
10. He read this book two years ago.

1. Did you listen to me carefully? Yes , I did. No , I didn't

2.I have never been so happy.

3.She always meets him on Wednesdays.

4. She always meets him on Mondays.

5. Did you visit Paris last summer?

6.Where have you been? I' ve been waiting gor an hour.

7. Where have you been? I was looking for you and I couldn't find you.

8. He was reading the paper, when someone knocked on the door.

9. While it was raining, he was working on his new project.

10. He read that book two years ago.

Nu stiu daca sunt toate corecte. Sper ca te am ajutat.