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Eu când voi ajunge mare ma voi face explorator deoarece imi place foarte mult să căltoresc în alte țări  și să descopăr multe locuri interesante.
Aș vrea să merg în Egipt să văd piramidele,
să descopăr lucruri vechi de pe vremea faraonilor să învăț să citesc helogrifele egiptenilor și să descopăr camere ascunse.
Aș mai merge in Grecia să descopăr multe lucruri interesante despre zei care au trăi acolo ma demult,să descopăr tradițiile lor.
Mi-ar placea să  merg în Peru să aflu lucruri
despre civilizația Incașă.
Vreau sa merg in jungla Amazoniană să  văd specile de animale cu ar fi:broasca Săgeata Otrăvitoare,șopârla Iisus,broasca de Sticlă și liliacul Pescar.
Știu că trebuie sa muncesc pentru aceste lucruri dar sper să reușesc.

Răspuns :

When I'm going to be older I will be an explorator because I really like to discover countries and a lot of intresting places . I want to go in Egypt to see the pyramids , to discover old things and learn to read hieroglyphs . I would like to go in Greece to discover more intresting things about gods that lived there in the past , and to learn their traditions . I would like to go in Peru to learn things about their civilizations . I would like to go in the Amazonian jungle to see animals like the arrow poisonous frog , the Jesus Lizard , the glass frog . and the Pescar bat . I know that i have to work to achieve these things but I hope i will succeed .

When I grow up, I will be an explorer because I really like traveling to other countries and discovering many interesting places. I'd like to go to Egypt to see the pyramids, to discover relics from the time pharaohs used to rule Ancient Egypt, to learn how to read hieroglyphic writing, and find secret chambers. I'd also like to visit Greece, where I could discover many interesting things about the Greek Gods and their way of living. I'd like to go to Peru to learn more about the Inca Empire. I'd like to visit the Amazon rainforest to find different species of animals, such as the poison dart frog, Jesus lizard, glass frog and and fisherman bat. I know I have to work hard to travel to each and every one of these locations, but hopefully I can visit all of them!