
Buna. Ma ajutați la o scrisoare in engleză adresata bunicii. Sa fie de câteva rânduri.

Răspuns :

                                                        To Grandma                                                 15.X.2018

       Hello grandma,tomorrow I'm going to visit you because I love how you cook and so,I love you,grandma.I maked a cake for you and I bought a gift for you. Also , I'm coming with my mum and my dad. See you tomorrow

                                                                                                    Love, (numele tau)

Sper ca te-am cu aceasta tema.

Hello grandma,

i'm sorry i haven't been able to come to visit you for such a long time but i was very busy with school and homework.

I hope you are fine.

i intend to visit you on Sunday and have a chat .i miss our conversations when i was in summer vacation.

i will bring you some chocolate ice cream that you like so much.

See you on Sunday

Love you


poti sa-mi dai coroana te rog? am mare nevoie ,mersi.


apare dupa ceva timp deasupra raspunsurilor un buton pe care il apesi si ai dat coroana. poate aparea dupa ceva timp