dear Ana,
I am so grateful that you can write to me, I am so sorry because I couldn't write you sooner. I have had lots of tests and homework.
My birthday just passed and officially I am 9/10/11/11/13/14/14/15( îți alegi varsta.) and I feel kind of old, I know I am just a child but I am feeling old, beside that I am very playful and still funny, of course. And I am going to tell you a joke to prove that. "I don't think is cute when couples scarves theirs names in a tree, I think is creepy how many people bring knives on a date." I've told you that I am funny. my friends loved that joke.
what about you, how are you, what about your parents? did you speak with mara, our friend, I miss her so much.
I have to end the letter now because my mom called the dinner. best regards to your parents and your sister, please write soon.
your funny friend,
(îți scrii numele?