Vreau si traducerea..

In the middle of the summer me and my family decided to visit the beach. I was so happy that we went to the beach that i promised my mother that i will never upset her again. Once we got out of the car, i headed directly to the water but my father told me we have to go first in to the hotel room to leave our stuff. Once we left all the baggage into the room, we went to the beach. My father told me not to go to deep water but i did exactly the opposite, and almost drown. My family got scared and we decided to cancel the beach trip and go to visit the mountains. It was much better.
In mijlocul verii eu si familia mea am decis sa mergem la mare. Eram asa de fericit incat i-am promis mamei mele ca nu o voi mai supara niciodata. Dupa ce am coborat din masina m-am dus intr-o goana spre apa, dar tatal meu mi-a spus ca intai mergem sa ne lasam bagajele in camera de hotel iar apoi vom merge la plaja. Dupa ce am terminat cu bagajele, ne-am indreptat spre mare. Tatal meu m-a atentionat sa nu ma duc la apa prea adanca, dar eu am facut fix opusul. Aproape m-am innecat. Familia mea s-a speriat si au decis sa mutam vacanta de la plaja la munte. A fost mult mai distractivi intre munti la mare altitudine.