
Cred ca este bine sa avem un model in viata. Cineva care a reusit mai multe decat noi. NU poti fi tu propriul tau model, sigur suna bine , dar nu.De multe ori poti sa esuezi, deoarece nu ai o baza de unde sa pornesti, sa te inspiri. Modelul meu unic si care nu poate fi inlocuit este mama. Ea ma stie cel mai bine , iar eu la randul meu o stiu. Este ca un mentor in viata mea ce ma ajuta sa duc aceasta lupta cu destinul pana cand voi reusi. Mama tu esti ,,idolul meu,, . Suna bine sa ii spui asta, este un model bun de urmat, mai ales pentru fapta care ti-a dat-o, care mi-a dat-o si aceea de a avea o viata frumoasa.
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Răspuns :

I think it's good to have a model in life. Someone who succeeded more than us. You can not be your own model, it certainly sounds good, but not. You can often fail because you do not have a base from where to start, inspire yourself. My unique and non-replaceable model is mother. She knows me best, and I do know it in my turn. It's like a mentor in my life that helps me fight this fight with destiny until I succeed. Mom, you are my "idol". It sounds good to tell her this is a good model to follow, especially for the act she gave you, who gave it to her and to have a beautiful life.

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