I disagree with the statement: "Avertizements reflect reality".
Not all advertizements do so as they can exagerate for comedic effect like in that one Red Bull advertizement ... "Red Bull gives you wings".
Those advertizements can also lie about the usefullness of the product in order to cash in more buyers.
2. I wholehartedly agree.
Trough corporatism (capitalism with a state untop of it) and the private secror, the cost and quality have disproportionly skyroketed, with the latter on top.
This was due to the little competition left of what the state murdered, those competing bussinesses started lowering the cost by whatever means necesary while upping the quiality as well in order to say on top of the other, capitalism focuses people's greed into serving eachother and benefiting man kind.
3. That is true, although, it is not ncecesarily bad.
I mean if one wants bottled air because he saw a commercial in which the one with the O'Hare air gets all the ladies then let them buy bottled air...who cares?
Every need of human beings should be satisfied by the free market, however stupid and or artificial, let market forces decide what is ok to sell.
Although, in our corporatist society, tech gigants like facebook and what not, have started stealing our personal information and giving it to the bots so they can determine the best ads for us. That is what I would call: "Not ok".