
Imi poate spune si mie cineva cum pot deosebi timpurile verbale la engleza?

Am tema de trecut niste verbe la timpul verbal corect pentru a forma o propozitie corecta si nu ma pricep.

Răspuns :

prezent simplu:

S+do/does+verb: ex: I usually have dinner at 7 o` clock./ He  eats fish once a week.

Do/Does+S+V: ex Does usually Mark reading a book?

prezent continuu:

S+to be/to be not + vb-ING: ex: You are/are not writing a letter.

to be+S+vb-ING : ex: Are you loving pizza?

prezent perfect simplu

S+have/has//have not/has not+V(ed forma a III-a): ex: People have/have not bought a book.

Have/Has+S+V: ex: My friend has/has not arrived at my home.

prezent perfect continuu:

S+Have/has//have not/has not+been+V-ING : The girl have/have not making their nails.

Have/has+S+been+V-ING: Has Josh been working this week?