
Translate into English

1.Vacanta de vara tine 2 luni. In fiecare vara mergem 2 saptamani la mare.

2.E sambata si facem curat in casa. Sora mea sterge praful din camera iar eu fac paturile.

4. Parintii mei locuiesc in Brasov. Ii vizitez in fiecare luna.

5. Luam micul dejun. Mama bea cafea, iar tata mananca omleta.

Răspuns :

1. Summer summer is for 2 months. Every summer we go 2 weeks to the sea.

2. It's Saturday and we clean up in the house. My sister wipes the dust out of the room and I make beds.

3.. My parents live in Brasov. I visit them every month.

4. We take breakfast. Mom drinks coffee, and my father is eating omelette.

Sper ca am fost de folos aici!