
Am nevoie de o compunere la l.engleza,iar in compunere trebuie sa folosesc citeva fraze:
1to bring someone to heel
2to drag one's feet
3to cool one's heels
4to find someone's Achille's heel
5to be on one's toes
6to start off on the right foot
Am nevoie urgen!!! Va Rog Frumos.VA DAU 30 puncte +coroana

Am Nevoie De O Compunere La Lenglezaiar In Compunere Trebuie Sa Folosesc Citeva Fraze 1to Bring Someone To Heel 2to Drag Ones Feet 3to Cool Ones Heels 4to Find class=

Răspuns :

I want to bring my new friend to heel
I dragged him by hes feet
Took the cool one’s heels
Found the old Achilles heels
He was on hes toes
He had to start of on the right foot!