Repede va rog!
dau coroana celui mai bun raspuns

My sister and I:Got -a Swarowski crystal duck
-3D fridge magnets
-a homemade shell necklace
Haven't got -a toy soldier | -a wooden carving
Ted: Got -a Swarowski crystal duck
-a homemade shell necklace
-a wooden carving
Hasn't got -3D fridge magnets | -a toy soldier
Mark and Simone: Got: -3D fridge magnets
-a toy soldier
-a wooden carving
Haven't got: -a Swarowski crystal duck
-a homemade shell necklace
Sper ca nu te superi ca a fost lung si mare,l-am facut asa ca sa intelegi mai bine! Sper ca te-am ajutat!
Did you and your sister got a Swarowski crystal duck?
Did you and your sister got 3d fridge magnets?
Did you and your sister got a homemade shell necklace?
Did you and your sister got a toy soldier?
Did you and your sister got a wooden carving?
Is Ted having a swarowski crystal duck?
Is Ted having 3d fridge magnets?
Is Ted having a homemade shell necklace?
Is Ted having a toy soldier?
Ted has a wood carving?
Do Mark and Simon have a swaroski crystal duck?
Do Mark and Somone have 3d fridge magnets?
Do Mark and Simone have a hommade shell necklace?
Do Mark and Simone have toy soldier?
Do Mark and Simone have a wooden carving?