
You and your friend come from different places in Vietnam. Make a conversation with your partner to tell him/ her about your hometown.
Use some of these words: some, any, much, many, a lot of, a little and a few. You can use the below to help you:
Café, cinemas, parks, pollution, scenery, shops, traffic…
There are a few...
You can find…
• Notes: Remember to start and end the conversation properly.
You and your friend are in the coffee shop. Make a conversation with your partner using the following information:
Student A: you think that “killing animals for fun is always wrong”
Student B: tell your partner whether you agree or disagree with the opinion. Give the reasons.
You can use the idea below to help you: in my opinion, from any point of view, I agree with you, I don’t think so…
• Notes: Remember to start and end the conversation properly.

Răspuns :

Situation 2:
Sfaturi pe care ti le dau:
-vorbeste despre ce se afla in orasul tau (nivel general)
-ce iti place la orasul tau
-ce nu iti place
Ex: My hometown is Bucharest, Romania's capital city.
It has a very large history and it's a quite big city. It has some interesting monuments and a lit of museums and also many cafés and restaurants in the downtown.
I like the fact that there are many parks in Bucharest, where you can spend time with your friends. Also, I love Bucharest's atmosphere.
Unfortunately, there are some things I don't really like about my city. First of all, there are too many dirty streets and I consider there aren't any monuments people actually take care of, which is very sad. Also, the pollution is very high.
To sum up, Bucharest is a nice city, but there are some things that need improvement.

Situation 3:
Sfaturi pe care ti le dau:
-spune daca esti de acord sau nu
-da cel putin doua argumente
-foloseste expresii de genul "in my opinion"; "my opinion is"; "this is my personal opinion"; "In consider that…"; "I think" etc.
-formuleaza o concluzie (de fapt, rezumat al "discursului".