It was very late. John couldn't see because it was dark. He was afraid to take another step on that eerie street. But he knew he had to get home somehow, otherwise his family will get really worried. He was wondering what had happened with the light posts. It wasn't the first time he was walking down that street. In fact it was his normal route from his office to his house. Suddenly he heard something that to him sounded like footsteps. He felt like someone was watching him form the dark. He decided not to look behind and to start walking as fast as he could, hoping that soon he'll get to a lit up portion of the street. He took a couple of steps and then he froze. A hand tapped him on the left shoulder. He turned slowly and what he saw put a smile on his face. It was his co-worker George who sometimes was taking the same street on his way home. The two lived on the same street, not far from each other. John told George how scared he was to walk alone in the dark and they both walked down that dark street talking and joking.