Write a definition for each of the subjects below:
Chemical-biology is a science which involves both chemestry and biology.
Chemestry is the study of what stuff is made of.
Computer science is the study of computers, a dicipline derived from math.
Sport is a dicipline which aims to develop your athletic abilities.
Geography is a dicipline which teaches students about the globe.
History is the study of the past.
Biology is a science preoccupied with studying various life-forms.
The dicipline of arts aims to develop one's artistic side, fostering creativity.
(Aia e o biblie ?? Asa am crezut eu.)
Bible study is the dicipline which teaches religious docrine. (brainwashing the mases along with the church and society itself :D nu scrie ce e in paranteza)
The student in question is currently attending geography.
His answer shows that the student has a sense of humor
(____ a doua chestie____)
The student is a teenager, as he's in high-school.
The student may be from the Maldives as that's the country with the least elevation but he's supposed to be english so I'm not sure.
He could also be from Zambia as that's the english-speaking country with the lowest avrage elevation, at least according to my research.
...Although, he may also be from the US, a widely known ex-colony of the UK with a comaparably low elevation.
( scuze ca folosesc cuvantul elevation asa de multe ori dar cui ii pasa cu adevarat?)