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I would like to visit Italy because i heard that it's very nice there and i would love to sit on the warm beach next to the clear sea. As dorii sa vizitez italia, pentruca am auzit ca e foarte frumos acolo si mi-ar placea sa stau pe plaja calda langa marea transparenta.
I would like to visit France because it has much monuments.In Parish,for example,there are "Le Tour Eiffel" and "Catedrale Nôtre-Dame de Paris" and "L'Arc de triumphe".I like very very much France for its "Louvre".Louvre museum is the popularmuseum of the world.
De asemenea (cum se zicea?),i want to travel in France because watewhere (crd ca asa se scrie)is so good everyday.
In finally,I want to visit France because I like art and my favourite composition is Mona Lisa,situated in Parish.