1) (Am facut a doua scrisoare)
Dear Mrs. Andrews,
I am writing to you because I feel like my work is not paid properly. I have been doing additional work on Saturdays for six weeks now and my supplementary hours are not paid double.
It is difficult for me to come to the office on Saturdays as well and stay there for 8 hours because that is time that I could be spending with my children, with whom I do not spend much of my time. Also, the road takes from one to one and a half hours due to the fact that I live in another town (poti sa dai tu un nume de oras aici daca vrei) and I have to spend money on gas.
With all the effort that I make on Saturdays, I suggest you reconsider my salary.
I am seeking to get the money I deserve until the end of the month, or else I will have to leave the company.
(Numele tau)
1. If he had saved enough money, he would have bought the house he wanted.
2. If you had made an appointment, the doctor would be able to see you.
4. Hardly had she left the house when she forgot all about her work.
5. Unless he had been in that place, he wouldn't have got the chance to meet the president.
1. The words are to be explained by the teacher today.
2. We were sent a letter the day before yesterday.
3. This car will not be stolen. It's too old.
4. This street has already been closed because of snow.
5. A new restaurant will be opened next week.
6. He was invited to the party yesterday.
7. The blue box can not be seen.
8. I was given the book by my friend last Sunday.
9. The dishes haven't been washed by my little brother.
10. I will not be asked by Robert.