Sidney, as shown in the first picture, is famous for it's opera house, that hosts concerts. It is also know for it's pleasent weather (Sidney being in the southern hemisphere has winter during our summer and summer during our winter) and it's means of transportation.
The second city that is depicted is Paris, also known as the city of lights. Yearly, the city gathers many tourists who visit Notre Dame, the famous gothic cathedral, dozens of museums such as the Louvre and not to forget the Eiffel Tower
The third city shown is Wien, the capital of a former mighty empire. Known for it's palace.
The fourth city is Madrid, the capital of Spain. You may visit it for seeing corridas
The fifth city is Rome, the capital of the former Roman Empire that streched along the whole Europe. Not to mention that the Colloseum is the most famous edifice
And the last city is Athens that hosts the remnants of the Greek history