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Struggle for survival
Sea turtles in danger

Sea turtles come in different colours , Shapes and sizes and found in many parts of the world,,from Mexico and Costa Rica in Central America to Turkey and Greece in the Mediterranean . Sea turtles have existed for millions of years but their survival is now being threatened.
1.Breeding habits
Each year in the breeding season , the
female sea turtle crawls from the sea at night
to lay her eggs on the beach in a sandy nest.
She lays about a hundred eggs the size of
ping-pong balls,covers them with sand and
then goes back to the sea.After about two
months , the baby turtles emerge from the eggs
They are very tiny and struggle to reach the sea.
During this time,the eggs and the new-born turtles
are in danger of being eaten by birds ,crabs and
small animals like rats.

2.Danger from pollution
The number of turtles worldwide has declined
alarmingly.In 1942 a Mexican architect filmed
approximately 42,000 turtles at a site in Mexico.
In 1995 only 1,429 turtle nests were found in the
same place.This drop is numbers is due to several
causes. One is pollution;the world's oceans and
beaches have been seriously polluted by the use
of chemicals and ferttilizers . Plastic rubbish
which has been dumped in the sea is also a danger
when it is mistaken for food

3.Threat of tourism
Tourism is another problem.Many of the turtles'
nesting sites have been destroyed by the
development of hotels in remote areas . Also,
tourists can do damage by accidentally treading
on the turtles' nests and destroying the eggs.
Baby turtles can be confused by lights from
buildings and streets and prevented from
finding the sea. The wander inland to be
crushed by vehicles or to die from heat
exhaustion in the sunlight . In addition,
turtle eggs and turtle soup are new
considered yo be a delicacy for tourists
so the stealing of turtle eggs and baby turtles
has become more frequent

4. What in being done
Volunteers are being used by wildlife organisations
both to find out more about the sea turtles' habites
and to protect the baby turtles from animal and human
predators.In particular , the volunteers mark and guard
the nesting sites.Long-term measures are being planned
to prevent the dumping of chemicals and toxic waste in the
sea.However,in the short term it is vitally important to
protect the turtles which still exist.

Răspuns :

Lupta pentru supravietuire
Testoasele de mare in pericol

Broastele testoase de mare sint de diferite culori,forme si marimi,si se gasesc in multe parti ale lumii,din Mexic si Costa Rica in America Centrala pina in Turcia si Grecia in Marea Mediterana.Testoasele exista de milioane de ani,dar supravietuirea lor este acum in pericol.
1)Obiceiuri de inmultire
In fiecare an in sezonul de inmultire,femela testoasa se tiraste noapte din mare si isi depune ouale pe plaja intr-un cuib nisipos.Depune aproximativ o suta de oua de marimea mingilor de ping-pong,le acopera cu nisip,si se intoarce in mare.Dupa aproximativ doua luni,puii de testosa ies din oua.Sint foarte mici,si se lupta sa ajunga in mare.In aceasta perioada,ouale si testoasele abia venite pe lume,sint in pericol de a fi mincate de pasari,crabi si animale mici cum ar fi sobolanii.2)Pericolul din cauza poluării
Numarul testoaselor din intreaga lume este intr-un alarmant declin.In 1942 un arhitect mexican a filmat aproximativ 42000 de testoase intr-o locatie din Mexic.In 1995doar 1429 de cuiburi de testoasa au fost gasite in acelasi loc.Aceasta scadere numerica este cauzata de citiva factori.Unul este poluarea;oceanele si plajele lumii sint grav poluate de folosirea chimicalelor si a fertilizatorilor.Gunoaiele din plastic care sint aruncate in mare reprezinta dee asemenea un pericol cind sint eronat luate drept hrana.
3)Amenintarea turismului
Turismul este o alta problema.Multe din locurile de cuibarit ale testoaselor au fost distruse de dezvoltarea hotelurilor in locuri indepartate.Turistii de asemenea pot in modede accidental calca pe cuiburule testoaselor,distrugindu-le.Puii de testoasa pot fi derutati de luminile cladirilor si ale strazilor si astfel sint inpiedicati sa gaseasca marea.Astfel ratacesc pe pamint si sint zdrobiti de vehicole sau mor extenuati de caldura soarelui.In plus ouale de testoasa si supa de testoasa sint acum considerate o delicatesa pentru turisti,asa ca furtul de oua si de pui de testoase a devenit mai frecvent.
4)Ce se face
Voluntarii sint folositi de organizatiile de protectie a nimalelor atit pentru a afla mai multe despre obiceiurile testoaselor cit si pentru a proteja puii de testoase de oameni si de animalele de prada.In mod special ,voluntarii marcheaza si pazesc locurile de cuibarit.Sint planuite masuri pe termen lung de stopare a deversarii de chimicale si reziduuri toxice in mare.Cu toate acestea,pe termen scurt,protejarea testoaselor care inca exista,este de o importanta vitala.