1 How old are you? - I"m 17.
2 When is your birthday? - On 3rd May
3 Where do you live ? - In Manchester.
4 How long have you lived there ? - For two years.
5 What kind do you do? - I"m a student.
6 How much brothers and sisters have you got ? - I"ve got one sister.
7 How tall are you ? - I"m 1 metre 65
8 How many do you weigh? - About 58 kilos.
9 Which sport of sports do you like ? - Football,tennis and golf.
10 What do you prefer, tennis or golf? - Tennis.
11 Who is your favourite tennis player ? - Andre Agassi.
12 Why do you like him ? - Because he"s funny.
13 What time do you usually get up ? - At 7.30.
14 How do you come to school ? - By bus.
15 Where do you go swimming ? - Once or twice a week.
16 How is this book ? - It"s mine.