1.I haven't been sleeping well because I've been under a lot of pressure.-Nu am dormit bine pentru ca am fost stresat. 2.He was not able to do PE that day without account of his bad leg-Nu a putut face educatie fizica in acea zi fara tinand cont de piciorul sau ranit. 3.Much to our astonishment,we won the match 6-1.-Spre uimirea noastra,am castigat meciul 6 la 1 4.Do not worry,we have everything under control-Nu te ingrijora,avem totul sub control 5.Johnny couldn't make it to the ceremony,so his manager accepted the award on his behalf-Johnny nu a putut sa ajunga la ceremonie,asa ca manager-ul sau a acceptat premiul pentru el. 6.That was without a doubt the most terrifying rollercoaster ride I have ever been on.-Fara nici o indoiala,asta a fost cea mai inspaimantator rollercoaster pe care am mai fost.