
Traducere buna!!Traduceti in limba engleza fara google translate:Vreau tot ce e mai bun de la viitor.Am ales sa scriu despre viitor deoarece trecutul e trecut iar noi suntem doar niste simpli spectatori ai trecutului si personaje principale ale viitorului.Vreau sa am parte doar de lucruri bune.Viitorul cred ca arata mai bine decat trecutul.Daca ar fi sa imi spun ceva ar fi ca ar trebui sa fiu mai calma in unele situatii.Astept viitorul!

Răspuns :

I want the best of the future. I chose to write about the future because the past is past and we are just plain viewers of the past and the main characters of the future. I want to have only good things. The future I think looks better than the past. If you were going to tell me something would be that I should be more calm in more situations. I'm waiting for the future.

Sper ca te am ajutat:)