1. Your family
My family is very big. In my family I have 2 sisters, 1 brother and two parents. My big sister is 20 years old, my little sister is 9 years old and my brother is 13 years old. I also have some pets in my family, a dog called Cassie and a fish called Goldie. I of course have grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
My family is the best family.
2. A wonderful party
Today is my birthday. My mom did not make me a birthday cake and this is strange. I went to school and there my friends pretended like they did not know about my birthday. Everybody was strange. I finally arrived home and I turned on the lights. All of my friends and my familly were there. They prepared a surprise party for me. It was the best birthday ever.
3. A weekend in the mountains
Last week my familly and I went in the mountains. When we arrived we first prepared the tent and then we went to find sticks do make a fire. We had marshmallows so we baked them over the fire. In the morning it was the time to go home. I stopped a bit to take some flowers because they had a veautiful smell. I will surely go in another weekend in the mountains.
4. A town you know
A town that I know really well is London. I like the mix between the vintage and the modern style. I went in Big Ben and I can say that it was wonderful. I also went at a museum. It was a great time.
5. Your room
My room is very spacious. In my room I have a large bed, a cute little wardrobe, a TV, a big desk and a lot of toys. My room is super lighted because I hae big windows. I can say that my room is tge best.