
5 propoziti cu who that si which

Răspuns :

who = cine

that = which = care, pe care

that = acela, aceea

1. Who are you, and what are you doing here? = Cine esti tu si ce faci aici?

2. Who is that man? = Cine este acel barbat?

3. I do not know who entered the room. = Nu stiu cine a intrat in camera.

4. Do you know who is that? = Stii cine este acela?

5. Who is your favourite actor? = Cine este actorul tau preferat?

1. This is the car that my parents bought. = Aceasta este masina pe care au cumparat-o parintii mei.

2. That is mine, not yours! = Aceea este a mea, nu a ta!

3. They talked about the book that was on the table. = Ei au vorbit despre cartea care era pe masa.

4. That is something new for me. = Acela este ceva nou pentru mine.

5. She asked about the book that I gave her. = Ea a intrebat de cartea pe care i-am dat-o.

1. This is the notebook which I found. = Acesta este caietul pe care l-am gasit.

2. Which of them would you choose? = Pe care dintre ei l-ai alege?

3. She did not know which book she should buy. = Ea nu stia pe care carte ar trebui sa o cumpere.

4. We know which one is the original one. = Noi stim care este original.

5. This is the house which was build yesterday. = Aceasta este casa care a fost construita ieri.

Sper ca te-am ajutat!