
Puneti la negativ și interogativ aceste propoziții. Dau coroană

Puneti La Negativ Și Interogativ Aceste Propoziții Dau Coroană class=

Răspuns :

1. He doesn't teach English to his students.
Does he teach English to his students?
2.He doesn't know French and German.
Does he know French and German?
3.Mr doesn't speak these languages well.
Does Mr. speak these languages well?
4.Mr can't write these languages well.
Can Mr write...
5.He doesn't work....
Does he work...
6.He isn't sitting...
Is he sitting...
7.The student don't come...
Do the students come...
8.The students don't sit...
Do the students sit...
9.The boys and girls don't go...
Do the boys and girls go...
restul sunt la fel le poti face si singur/ă