
de scris in engleză cum am petrecut weekendul trecut

Răspuns :

Am petrecut weechendul trecut impreuna cu familia mea la mare la mamaia .
Era foarte frumos eu si sora mea neam inscris intr-un concurs de castele de nisip cine facea cel mai mare si cel mai frumos castel din nisip castiga .
A durat o jumatate de ora concursul , noi am luat locul 2 dar nui nimic important este ca7 neam distrat .
Fratii mei sau jucat fotbal toata ziua iar parinti mei au stat la umbra si sau relaxat .
A fost foarte frumos mia placut foarte mult sa petrec putin timp cu familia mea .
În engleza
I spent the last weechend together with my family at sea at the mamaia .
It was very nice and my sister enrolled in a sand casting contest that made the biggest and most beautiful castic .
It look us half a hour to compete but we have taken second place but nothing of importance
is like having fun.
My brothers pr i played
football all day and my parents stayed in the shade end relaxed .
I was very nice i liked i very much to spend some time with my family .