1 flour
2 hot water
3 olive oil
4 a teospoon of sugar
5. a pinch of salt
1 two tablespoon of broth
2 cheese
3 ham
1.Place a sliced meal in a bowl, make a hole in the middle, put the egg, a salt of salt and the hot milk in which the yeast melts.
2. Mix gently until all the flour is incorporated, add the oil and mineral water and knead well, then cover with a napkin and leave for 30 minutes.
3. Cut the olives, the bacon, the dill and the pepper. Roasted peppers, cubes and mozzarella.
4. Lubricate a tray with oil, spread the cake uniformly, and then place all the ingredients. Season with basil and put in the hot oven. This homemade pizza home-made pizza is served warm, with sweet or spicy sauce.