1. The Scottish were different from other British people, having their own culture, language and customs.
2. The Highlanders on small cattle farms, called crofts, for which they paid they paid rents to their landlords.
3. The landlords wanted to rear sheep because of the demand for wool from that time.
4. The Highlanders had to move because the landlords decided to use their lands for making sheep farms.
5. Many of Highlanders' homes were destroyed by landlords; in order to increase the space more than 2000 houses were burnt in a day.
6. Many people emigrated to United States and Canada.
7. The clearances reached the highest point between 1825 and 1838 because of the conditions on the emigration ships which created death of 3 out of 20 Highlanders on the board.
8. Highlanders protested through riots and strikes.