
Sunt corecte propozitile?
I have visited Spain ( Eu am vizitat Spania)
She has eaten pizza for the first time (Ea a mancat pizza pentru prima data)
I have not drunk beer so far. ( Nu am mai baut bere pana acum )

She has never watched TV. ( Ea nu s-a uitat la televizor niciodata)
Have i ever read a book? ( Am citit vreodata o carte?)
I have been reading for two hours. (Eu citesc de doua ore)
She has been donated since 2000. ( Ea doneaza din anul 2000)
I have not been singing since 1989 ( Eu nu cant din anul 1989)
She has not writting letters for 3 hours (Ea nu scrie scrisori de 3 ore)
Am i waiting for two hours? ( Astept eu de 2 ore?)

It is raining for 4 hours? ( Ploua de 4 ore?)

Răspuns :

I had visited Spain ( Eu am vizitat Spania)
She had eaten pizza for the first time (Ea a mancat pizza pentru prima data)
I have not drink beer so far. ( Nu am mai baut bere pana acum )

She had never watched TV. ( Ea nu s-a uitat la televizor niciodata)
Have i ever read a book? ( Am citit vreodata o carte?)
I have been reading for two hours. (Eu citesc de doua ore)
She had been donating since 2000. ( Ea doneaza din anul 2000)
I have not been sang since 1989 ( Eu nu cant din anul 1989)
She isnt writing  letters for 3 hours (Ea nu scrie scrisori de 3 ore)
Am i waiting for two hours? ( Astept eu de 2 ore?)

It is raining for 4 hours? ( Ploua de 4 ore?