
Am nevoie urgent de o compunere in enlgeza in care sa povestesc ce fac eu cand vin de la scoala
Poate sa fie si in romana ca daca e traduc eu dar sa fie cat de cat marisoara
Ms anticipat

Răspuns :

In romana:

Dupa ce termin orele,ajung acasa,primul lucru pe care il fac e sa ma schimb de hainele de scoala.Apoi ma duc sa mananc,iar apoi ma uit putin la televizor,si ma jo putin oe telefon/laptop/tableta/PS.Dupa ce m-am recreat,incep sa imi fac temele.Dupa ce am terminat si cu temele,imi pregatesc ghiozdanul.Apoi mai stau putin pe telefon,ma schimb in pijama,si ma uit la EXALTON (sau emisiunea ta preferata care o urmaresti seara).Apoi imi pun alarma pentru dimineata,si ma culc.

In engleza:

After I finish my classes, I get home, the first thing I do is change my school clothes. Then I go out to eat and then watch TV for a while, and I do a little bit of a phone / laptop / tablet / PS. After I've recreated myself, I'm starting to do my homework. After I finish my homework, I prepare my schoolbag. Then I'm a little on the phone, I'm changing my pajamas, and I watch EXALTON (or your favorite show you watch in the evening.) Then I put my alarm for the morning, and I sleep.

***Sper ca te-am ajutat!!Coroana?Sa imi spui daca e bine!!